찬송가 이야기 A Story of Hymn - 그 크신 하나님의 사랑 The Love of God (찬 304장) > 경건회

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찬송가 이야기 A Story of Hymn - 그 크신 하나님의 사랑 The Love of God (찬 304장)

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작성자 러벅비전교회
작성일 23-05-15 09:23


설교자 채형석목사
설교본문 로마서 Romans 8:38-39
설교날짜 2023-05-15

[찬송가 이야기 A Story of Hymn] 


304  크신 하나님의 사랑

Korean Hymnal - The Love of God


작사작곡 – 프레드릭 리먼 (1896-1953)

Lyricist, Composer - (Frederick Martin Lehman, 1869-1953)

배경 성경구절– 로마서 8:38-39; 에베소서3:16-19; 요한일서 3:1

Background Bible Verses – Romans 8:38-39; Ephesians 3:16-19; 1 John 3:1

독일에서 태어난 프레드릭 리만 (Frederick M. Lehman)     부모를 따라 미국으로 이민하였다.  11  예수님을 영접했고일리노이주 노스웨스턴 대학에서 신학을 공부한  침례교 목사가 되었다일생 동안 여러 시골 교회 만을 섬겼으며생활비를 위해  다른 일을 함께 병행했다

Born in Germany, Frederick M. Lehman immigrated to the United States with his parents at the age of four. He accepted Jesus at the age of 11, studied theology at Northwestern University in Illinois, and became a Baptist minister. Throughout his life, he served only several rural churches, always doing other things to support himself.


그가 치즈공장에서 일할 때의 일이다점심 도시락 가방에서 발견된 아내의 쪽지를 발견한다 쪽지는 아내가 유태인의  “하다무트(Haddamut)읽다가 감동을 받고  것이다쪽지에는 다음과 같이 쓰여 있었다: “하늘을 두루마리 삼고바다를 먹물 삼아도 없는 하나님의 사랑  기록   없겠네…”

It happened when he was working at a cheese factory. He finds a note from his wife found in his lunch box. This note was written by my wife after she was moved by reading the Jewish poem “Haddamut.” The note read: “Could we with ink the ocean fill and were the skies of parchment made, Were every stalk on earth a quill and every man a scribe by trade, … ”


리먼 목사는 아내가  쪽지를 읽다가 감동이 되어 “ 크신 하나님의 사랑 1절과 2 그리고 후렴을  내려갔다. 3절은 유태 랍비 (마이어  아이잨네오라이Meir Ben Isaac Nehorai, - d. 1096 이전) 시를 그대로 인용했다그리고  시에 음률을 붙여 찬송을 만들게 되었다 외에도 그는 찬송시를 많이 썼는데수백 편에 이른다

Pastor Lehman was moved by reading the note written by his wife, so he wrote verses 1, 2, and refrain of “The great love of God.” Verse 3 is a verbatim quote from a poem by a Jewish rabbi (Meir Ben Isaac Nehorai, - before d. 1096). And It came to make a hymn by attaching a melody to this poem. Besides this, he wrote many hymns, numbering in the hundreds.


하나님의 사랑구원그리고 은혜를 느끼게 되는 찬송입니다하나님의 사랑을 어떻게 표현할  있겠는가하나님의 십자가를 통한 용서하심의은혜를 묵상할  있게 만드는 찬양이다로마서 8:38-39에서 말하는 바울 사도의 고백이 우리들의 고백이길 소망합니다.  “내가 확신하노니사망이나 생명이나 천사들이나 권세자들이나 현재 일이나 장래 일이나 능력이나 높음이나 깊음이나 다른 어떤 피조물이라도우리를 우리  그리스도 예수 안에 있는 하나님의 사랑에서 끊을  없으리라” 로마서 8:38-39

It is a hymn that makes you feel God's love, salvation, and grace. How can you express God's love? It is a praise that makes it possible to meditate on the grace of forgiveness through the cross of God. I hope that the apostle Paul's confession in Romans 8:38-39 is our confession. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth


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